Stony Brook Pediatric Surgeons Enable Birth of Boy with Gastroschisis

Practicing at New York’s Stony Brook Medicine, Elliott Bennett-Guerrero, MD, also holds responsibilities as the Department of Anesthesiology vice chair for clinical research and innovation. In May 2018, the pediatric surgery team at Dr. Elliott Bennett-Guerrero’s hospital achieved a noteworthy success in enabling the birth of a boy with gastroschisis at 35 weeks.
Impacting the abdominal wall, gastroschisis is a birth defect in which the intestines exit through a hole next to the belly button. With the hole varying in size, it can also sometimes result in organs such as the liver and stomach residing outside of the infant’s body. Requiring surgical repair as soon as possible following birth, the condition significantly increases mortality and other medical complication risks.
The Stony Brook pediatric surgery team was able to untwist the bowel of baby Christian Rojas in time and ensure that he was in the best condition possible, given his congenital defect. Only 5 pounds 7 ounces at birth, he was able to meet a number of health targets in his first two months, including a weight of 11 pounds.